It’s that easy. An ultrasonic sensor (long-range) or infrared sensor (short-range) is placed in front of the vehicle to stop turn when it detects an object. Access prepopulated data to build and annotate a sampling of motor control and power feed circuits. You can also save it as a PNG or PDF. Thyristor based Power Control by IR RemoteThe aim of this project is to wirelessly control the duty cycle of AC mains to any appliance by varying the firing angle of the TRIAC through a microcontroller. You can also share files with non SmartDraw users by simply emailing them a link.
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Learn moreCircuit design and reuseSimplify your electrical design with Circuit site link Finger Print Based Security SystemThis project’s aim is to provide security for a lock or door using the finger print of the users. It involves two IR sensors that sense the vehicle the Arduino calculates the time passed between these two sensors. Automatic Plant Watering Irrigation System – Circuit, Code Project ReportThe objective of this project is to irrigate the plant automatically depending on the temperature moisture of the soil. Finger Print Based Car Starting SystemThe proposed system provides an anti-theft feature that allows the vehicle to only look here when the owner thumb impression is recognized.
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Automatic Load Controller and Sharing SystemThe purpose of this project is to monitor the load current if the current exceeds a specified limit the supply is automatically stopped. Learn moreAutomatic reportsSimplify your workflow and save time by automatically generating and updating multiple customized reports. Ultrasonic Parking Guidance SystemIt is a safety project for new drivers during parking to know if there is any object behind the vehicle how far it is. The sensors send the info to a microcontroller that processes it calculates the RPM of the motor. GSM based Real Time Street Light Control SystemsThe purpose of this project is to control the street light wirelessly from the control center. The idea is to use the GSM module to communicate between the modules.
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Overload Protection of Transformer:The purpose of this project is to protect the transformer from overloading. Car Speed Detector Circuit – Working and Source CodeIn this project, we are going to measure the speed of a vehicle using an Arduino. There is also an LCD to display the status of your finger print door etc. Electrical Devices Protection from Earth Fault through Circuit BreakerThis project is used for the protection of devices against the earths fault.
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Inside of each transit car there are also subsystems, such as the car climate control system. In order to do that, we are going to use a keypad as a user interface to enter the delay a microcontroller to vary the firing angle delay to trigger the TRIAC. A well designed plan will have details about suitable protections (against overload, short circuit faults), cables, conductors, fuses, earthing etc. An Arduino is able to measure the voltage of the battery, the voltage must be scaled down to its measurable limit. Spam Comments Will Be Deleted. Suite D, Clearwater FL33765Tel: (727) 330-4937Email: Cory@GCElectricalDesign.
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Speed Control System of Electric Motor in Clockwise and Anti-clockwise DirectionsThe purpose of this project is to control the speed as well as the direction of a DC motor using a microcontroller. . setAttribute( “value”, ( new Date() ). Battery Status Indicator using ArduinoThe purpose of this project is to indicate the battery levels also trigger an alarm when the battery is low. Best MEP Electrical Design Course.
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Notify me of new posts by email. The speed is controlled using the PWM (pulse width modulation) while the direction is determined by changing the polarity of the driver IC. ANd some vedeos if you can Thank you very much for this great post. It can be modified to use more than two sources. This principle is used in this project to measure the resistance of the skin display the level of stress through a strip of LEDs.
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Password Based Circuit BreakerThe idea behind this project is to make or break the circuit using a password to avoid an unauthorized person. .